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Senin, 05 Januari 2009

Category and classification

Heavier than air

The plane heavier than air referred aerodin, what enter in this category is autogiro, helicopter, girokopter and winged plane remain to. Winged plane fixed generally use the combustion machine in the in the form of piston machine with propeller or turbine machine jet propulsion or turboprop to yield the motivation move the plane, then movement of air in wing yield the impellent of to the above of, which make this plane can fly. As exemption, winged plane fixed also is the don't use the machine, for example glider, which only using the warm front and gravitation style. Helicopter and autogiro use the rotary wing and machine to yield the impellent of to the above of, and helicopter is also use the machine to yield the motivation forwards.

Lighter than air

Plane which is is lighter than air to be referred aerostat, what enter in this category is air-ship and balloon. Aerostat use the style float to fly on the air, is such as used the boat to float above water. This plane generally use the gas be like helium, hydrogen, or hot weather to yield the style float the. Perbedaaan air by water air ballon is that air ballon more following of wind current, is while air-ship have the system propulsi for motivation forwards and control system.

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